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Herstory: The Dinner Party, Judy Chicago

Dies ist ein Beispiel, wie Herstory im Englischunterricht eingebaut werden kann. Es eignet sich für die Oberstufe (15-18 Jahre)

1. Einstieg:

Zettel und Stift. Die Jugendlichen wissen nicht, worum es geht.

Nenne 5 Personen aus

  • der Politik
  • Straßennamen
  • Plätze, Flüsse, Regionen, Länder
  • Personenstatuen
  • Musik
  • Mythologie
  • Literatur
  • Malerei
  • Afrika
  • Asien
  • Südamerika
  • Nordamerika
  • Österreich
  • Moslemischer Kulturkreis
  • Dem Himmel
  • Kino
  • Fernsehen
  • Zeitung/Journalismus
  • Urgeschichte
  • Römisches Reich
  • Etc.

2. Rechnerei

Das Ganze sehr rasch. Am Ende die Gesamtzahl addieren, was 100% ergibt.
Dann die weiblichen Personen zählen und den Prozentsatz ausrechnen. Auf der Tafel eine Linie 0-100% aufzeichnen. Die Jugendlichen tragen ihren weiblichen Prozentsatz auf der Linie ein.

3. Analyse:

wieso sind es nicht 50% weibliche Namen, die wir kennen? Theorien der Jugendlichen anhören. Die Aufgabe der Schule ist es, die Lücken zu füllen und auf 50 % aufzustocken.
Rechtliche Grundlagen:

  • Gender Mainstreaming EU
  • Unterrichtsprinzip Erziehung zur Gleichstellung
  • Aktionsplan
  • Und eventuell Schulprogramm oder Leitbild

Oft antworten die Jugendlichen: "Weil es keine Frauen gegeben hat."

4. Judy Chicago The Dinner Party 999 Biographien von Frauen

das Verzeichnis mit den 999 Namen austeilen.
Andere Sammlungen hat Luise F. Pusch. Können länderweise angefordert werden.


  • Streiche jeden Namen der Frauen, die du kennst, und über die du etwas sagen könntest, grün an.
  • Streiche jeden Namen der Frauen, deren Namen du schon einmal gehört hast rot an.
  • Streiche jeden Namen der Frauen, die dir neu sind gelb an.
5. Arbeit mit Biographien: erstes Herantasten

Die 999 Biographien von Judy Chicago ausschneiden und folieren. Auf einen Stapel auflegen. Die Jugendlichen müssen die Karten zuorden: z. B. Räuberinnen, Philosophinnen, Schriftstellerinnen, Heilerinnen, Hexen, Politikerinnen, Göttinnen, Malerinnen, Musikerinnen, Wissenschaftlerinnen, Erfinderinnen, etc.

Die 39 Bilder aus dem Buch folieren. Die 39 langen Biographien folieren.
Jede Person wählt 1-2 Bilder aus und sucht die dazugehörige Langbiographie.
Die Bilder sind doppelseitig. Jede Person sucht die zweite Person von der Rückseite.

Jede Schülerin und jeder Schüler wählt 10 kleine Biographien, eine lange alleine und eine lange zu zweit (es gibt 39 lange) aus und lernt diese mehr oder wenig auswendig.

6. Diavortrag The Dinner Party, Judy Chicago

Die Lehrperson zeigt ein Bild nach dem anderen 1-39. Jedes Bild stellt eine bedeutende Frau aus der Geschichte vor. Die SchülerInnen stehen neben dem Bild und tragen die Biographie vor. Wer sie frei vorträgt, bekommt einen Gutschein für eine Aufgabe. Die anderen lesen den Text.
(Dauer der Vorträge ca. drei Stunden)

7. Die eigene Biographie (Idee Dagmar Buchta)

Die Jugendlichen bringen Fotos und Daten auf einem Blatt: (Daten können sein: Sprachen, Geburtsort/Land, Beruf/e, Anzahl der Kinder, wie und mit wem lebte sie, ein Satz von ihr, eine konkrete Geschichte, etc.)

  • Eigenes Foto und Daten
  • Foto und Daten der Mutter
  • Foto und Daten der Großmutter
  • Foto und Daten der Urgroßmutter

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8. In einer Mädchen oder Frauengruppe:
vom Mädchen zur Frau: Die erste Menstruation

Arbeitsauftrag: sich zu dritt oder viert erzählen, wie sie die erste Menstruation gekriegt haben. Eine dieser Geschichten (so bleibt Anonymität gewahrt) im Rollenspiel der ganzen Gruppe vorspielen.
Analyse: welche Reaktionen kommen vor? Welche Gefühle sind dargestellt von welchen Personen? Wie reagieren Mütter? Wie Väter? Wer ist hilfreich? Wieso ist es so, wie es ist in den Darstellungen?

Materialien, Fragen, Arbeits- und Testfragen etc.

Herstory: The Dinner Party, Judy Chicago
  • Shortly describe Chicago's work of art and explain what it symbolises.
  • When did it become important for humans to find out how procreation functioned and what they imagined up to this point?
  • Shortly describe some of the main stages from goddess worship till today. (e.g. Late Middle Ages; union of church and state; 13th to 17th century; etc.)
  • In which kind of society do we live today? What are the traits of such a society?
  • Talk about some of the struggles and successes women have undertaken to reach equality.
  • It is true that there weren't any notable women throughout history, that is why in history books the majority of famous people are men.
  • All the history books were written by men
  • When women achieved the same as men did, like 18th century archeologists, the history books ignore them.
  • Specialities become undervalued, when women become involved.
  • Often the wives of archeologists were working with their husbands side by side as equally competent archeologsist. But only the names of men are known because the husbands wrote the books.
  • Even if the names of women appear, we don't see them, because we are not trained to see them.
  • Women were commonly taught to read and write only since the last two hundred years or so. Men were taught earlier.
  • It is only the things that men have done that is called "history" that is why bringing up children or working in the house - aspects of life that are equally important - are not seen as a part of history.
  • It did not really matter from which family background a woman was - whether aristocratic, rich, or not so well off. Those who made an impact on history were just very good in what they were doing.
  • Successful women were free to do other things because being born into aristocratic or wealthy families, they could afford to pay somebody to do household chores and bring up their children.
  • Many strong and important women were supported by their fathers as a girl. This seems to be the most influencial factor in a woman's life, concerning her successful carreer.
  • Women have always been there in history but haven't always got the recognition they deserved and unfortunately that does not seem to change.
  • Today we know that there have been brilliant women in many however not all spheres of activities.

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  • Name 10 professions women were grouped around
  • Name the 39 women presented in class
  • What were the criteria by which Judy Chicago chose the women for the DINNER PARTY?
  • and name the ten women you chose
Mark on the line below:
  • Prehistory
  • Mesopotamia
  • Egypt
  • Greece
  • Roman Empire
  • Birth of Christ
  • Judeo-Christian period
  • Early Middle Ages
  • Late Middle Ages
  • Renaissance
  • Decline of Feudalism
  • Reformation
  • Industrial Revolution
  • Victorian Times
  • Women's Revolution: Declaration of the Rights of Women
  • Women's Right to Vote in Austria
  • Seneca Falls
  • International Women's Rights Movement

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All ancient peoples believed in a female Deity. Why?

Procreation =
How do you call a figure that is worshipped?
How do you call the science that finds out things by digging in the earth?
Early peoples on the earth lived from doing what and what?
It became important only later, when humans settled, started agriculture and especially breeding animals that it became important for them to know _____________________what?
A society in which daughters inherit from mothers, children are named after mothers, public figures are female and in which most of the wealth and earnings are possessed or earned by females, and in which women live a sexual life with whom they want to is called_________________
A society in which sons inherit from fathers, children are named after fathers, public figures are male and in which most of the wealth and earnings are possessed or earned by males and in which men set up rules for women's sexuality in order to know of whose child they are the father is called_________________
In which historical period did female rulers who were at the same time Goddesses have a son or a brother who was standing side by side with them?
There were Goddesses with two empires before and during Christ. Name them.
Besides digging in the earth, you can find out about how things changed through _____________, _________ and _____________________.
Name one warrior queendom whose symbol was the double axe:
What is the story by Grillparzer in which a goup of these warrior women fought against Christianity:_______________
At the beginning Christianity helped women to receive what in the convents___________________
In order not to lose what they owned, many women founded _________________________themselves. It allowed them to have the same rights as feudal barons.
Give three examples of what they were allowed to do:
In the late Middle Ages women got more freedom or less?
Give 5 examples of what they were allowed to do:
Did the worship of Mary increase or decrease?
By the end of the Middle Ages, the Church was well established. What did they forbid then?
What did they do in order to make sure that it wouldn't happen?
This was the time when the Church joined hands with whom?
What lasted from the 13th to the 17th centuries?
Estimates of murdered people, mostly women range from 300.000 up to 6 and 9 millions.
How many Jewish people were killed during the Holocaust?
How do you call a person who is healing with traditional medicine?
By the late Renaissance women had less or more power?
Women were forced into submission by what?
What was dissolved during the Reformation? What happened to women then?
The only accepted option for a woman became__________________
Reformation leaders thought that the only duty of a woman was silent______________
Women were seen as leisured ___________ of men during the Industrial revolution?
The Victorian ideal was what?______________
In 1792 who declared that women needed to become free through a revolution?
What did she fight for?_____________
In 1884 the Seneca Falls Meeting claimed 18 things. Name five.
Within one century they changed many _________ that had restricted their lives plus they built a movement that was ______________________
Women were deprived of any knowledge of their _______________'s efforts.
Women have been fighting for their ______________and their _________from the moment they first lost the Goddess and their power.
Most of women's achievements are unknown to most people. In order to make people feel worthless, society robs them of their ____________
The message the silence conveys to women is that they are ____________________.
In order to shape the world's destiny, women and men have to insist, that knowing one's heritage, knowing that women have been strong, to reclaim the past is _______________.
What happens if women reclaim the past?
What happens if women and men know that women's past is a part of human history?_________________

1. It is true that there weren't any notable women throughout history, that is why in history books the majority of famous people are men.
2. All the history books were written by men
3. When women achieved the same as men did, like 18th century archeologists, the history books ignore them.
4. Specialities become undervalued, when women become involved.
5. Often the wives of archeologists were working with their husbands side by side as equally competent archeologsist. But only the names of men are known because the husbands wrote the books.
6. Even if the names of women appear, we don't see them, because we are not trained to see them.
7. Women were commonly taught to read and write only since the last two hundred years or so. Men were taught earlier.
8. It is only the things that men have done that is called "history" that is why bringing up children or working in the house - aspects of life that are equally important - are not seen as a part of history.
9. It did not really matter from which family background a woman was - whether aristocratic, rich, or not so well off. Those who made an impact on history were just very good in what they were doing.
10. Successful women were free to do other things because being born into aristocratic or wealthy families, they could afford to pay somebody to do household chores and bring up their children.
11. Many strong and important women were supported by their fathers as a girl. This seems to be the most influencial factor in a woman's life, concerning her successful carreer.
12. Women have always been there in history but haven't always got the recognition they deserved and unfortunately that does not seem to change.
13. Today we know that there have been brilliant women in many however not all spheres of activities.


Name 10 professions women were grouped around
Name the 39 women presented in class
________________________ _________________ ____________________
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________________________ _________________ ____________________

What were the criteria by which Judy Chicago chose the women for the DINNER PARTY?
1. ________________________
2. ________________________
3. ________________________

and name the ten women you chose _________________
________________________ _________________ ____________________
________________________ _________________ ____________________
________________________ _________________ ____________________

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Mark on the line below:
  • Prehistory
  • Mesopotamia
  • Egypt
  • Greece
  • Roman Empire
  • Birth of Christ
  • Judeo-Christian period
  • Early Middle Ages
  • Late Middle Ages
  • Renaissance
  • Decline of Feudalism
  • Reformation
  • Industrial Revolution
  • Victorian Times
  • Women's Revolution: Declaration of the Rights of Women
  • Women's Right to Vote in Austria
  • Seneca Falls
  • International Women's Rights Movement
  • Did you know that if shop mannequins were real women they'd be too thin to menstruate?
  • There are 3 billion women who don't look like supermodels and only eight who do.
  • Marilyn Monroe wore a size 14.
  • If Barbie were a real woman, she'd have to walk on all fours due to her proportions.
  • The average woman weighs 144 lbs. and wears between a 12-14.
  • One out of every four college aged women has an eating disorder.
  • The models in the magazines are airbrushed - not perfect.
  • A psychological study in 1995 found that three minutes spent looking at a fashion magazine caused 70% of women to feel depressed, guilty, and shameful.
  • Models twenty years ago weighed 8% less than the average woman. Today they weigh 23% less.
Beauty of a Woman
  • The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears or the way she combs her hair.
  • The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.
  • The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.
  • It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows, the beauty of a woman with passing years - only grows.


An English professor wrote the words, "Woman without her man is nothing," on the blackboard and directed the students to punctuate it correctly.

The men wrote: "Woman, without her man, is nothing."
The women wrote: "Woman! Without her, man is nothing."


The Images of Mother

4 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mommy can do anything!
8 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mother doesn't really know quite everything.
14 YEARS OF AGE ~ Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either.
16 YEARS OF AGE ~ Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned.
18 YEARS OF AGE ~ That old woman? She's way out of date!
25 YEARS OF AGE ~ Well, she might know a little bit about it.
35 YEARS OF AGE ~ Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion.
45 YEARS OF AGE ~ Wonder what Mom would have thought about it?

65 YEARS OF AGE ~ Wish I could talk it over with Mom.

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